Each Board of Directors will include:
a) “Council Directors” who for the purposes of this Article 12 are the non-executive (i.e., non-salaried) directors appointed by the Shareholder Committee (in conjunction with the Council’s Staffing Matters & Urgency Committee) in accordance with the Articles and/or Shareholder Agreement of the Company, to represent the Council on the Board. This category will often (but not always) include the Chair of the Board; and
b) “Non-Council Directors” who for the purposes of this Article 12 include the executive (i.e., salaried) directors and the independent non-executive directors appointed by the Board. This category will include the Managing Director of the company.
Due to their very nature, Teckal Companies require a much greater deal of oversight from the Shareholder Committee than their Non-Teckal counterparts do.
Teckal Companies |
Non-Teckal Companies
a) |
acting as the owner or joint owner of the Council’s companies;
b) |
approving or making amendments to strategic or business plans;
ü |
c) |
monitoring performance and financial delivery against strategic business plans;
ü |
d) |
approving the acquisition of shares in another company;
ü |
e) |
approving the establishment of subsidiary companies;
ü |
f) |
approving the appointment or dismissal of any company Directors (including the Chair), which requires Shareholder consent under the Articles and/or Shareholder Agreement of the company;
ü |
In so far as it requires a resolution of the Council and any other shareholders of the company.
g) |
determining and approving all matters relating to terms and conditions of company Directors which require Shareholder consent under the Articles and/or Shareholder Agreement of the company;
ü |
In so far as it requires a resolution of the Council and any other shareholders of the company.
h) |
determining and approving all matters relating to the entering of any contracts with company Directors, other than as permitted under any service agreement the company may have with the Council;
ü |
i) |
determining and approving all matters relating to the employment of the senior management team of the company which require Shareholder consent under the Articles and/or Shareholder Agreement of the company;
ü |
j) |
approving changes to share capital and the admission of additional shareholders;
ü |
In so far as that it relates to:
· any instruction to the Directors to allot shares;
· any increase in the authorised share capital of the company;
· any reduction in the authorised share capital of the company;
· any sub-division, consolidation, or re-denomination shares;
· variation of class rights attached to shares;
· any purchase of shares by the company itself;
· any alteration to the company’s Articles of association relating to pre-emption rights, or relating to the shares of the company; or
· any disapplication of pre-emption rights,
or any other matter that requires a resolution of the Council and any other shareholders of the company by law or otherwise.
k) |
approving disposals of assets valued under £500,000;
ü |
In so far as it relates to a Substantial Property Transaction (as defined in the Companies Act 2006) with one of the Directors (or a connected person of that Director), and therefore requires a resolution of the Council and the other members of the company.
l) |
approving borrowing up to £100,000;
ü |
In so far as the financial assistance being sought is:
· by one of the Directors, or
· by persons connected with one of the Directors, or
· by the company to purchase its own shares,
and therefore requires a resolution of the Council and any other shareholders of the company.
m) |
approving and making grants or loans up to £500,000 other than by way of normal trade credit, subject to approval from the Council’s Chief Financial Officer in line with the Council’s Financial Regulations, and taking appropriate legal advice on any requirements under the UK Subsidy Control Regime and necessary grant or loan terms and conditions, and the usual risk assessments;
ü |
In so far as the financial assistance being sought is:
· by one of the Directors, or
· by persons connected with one of the Directors, or
· by the company to purchase its own shares,
and therefore requires a resolution of the Council and any other shareholders of the company.
n) |
entering, amending or terminating any agreements which create a potential liability for the company in excess of £250,000 up to £500,000;
ü |
o) |
making changes to the nature of the company’s business;
ü |
In so far as that it relates to:
· amendments to the company’s Articles of Association or Shareholders Agreement;
· re-registering the company from private to public (or vice versa) or limited to unlimited (or vice versa).
p) |
approving a decision which could otherwise be taken by a Council Director, but which would, if being taken by the Council, amount to a key decision;
ü |
q) |
approving any dividends requiring Council consent;
ü |
ü |
r) |
exercising any powers to issue instructions to company directors;
ü |
In so far as it requires a resolution of the Council and any other shareholders of the company.
s) |
exercising decision making over reserved matters set out in a company’s Shareholder Agreement;
ü |
ü |
t) |
making recommendations to Executive for any investment in/asset transfers to or lending to companies;
ü |
ü |
u) |
delegating specific functions to Officers of the Council to increase commercial flexibility.
ü |
Any advice required by Shareholder Committee Members in relation to the above Terms of Reference and the impact of any provisions within a company’s Articles of Association or any existing Shareholder Agreements must be sought from the Council’s Legal Services Department.
a) changes to company governance e.g. including amending a company’s Articles of Association or its Shareholder Agreement;
b) agreements to any amalgamation, merger, division, joint venture, take-over, profit sharing, re-registration from private to public (or vice-versa), re-registration from limited to unlimited (or vice versa), compromise arrangements, or similar arrangements, subject to consultation with the Council’s Chief Finance Officer;
c) approval of any disposals of assets valued over £500,000, subject to the company’s Articles of Association;
d) approval of any grants and/or loans in excess of £500,000;
e) approving borrowing in excess of £100,000;
f) entering, amending or terminating any agreements which create a potential liability for the company in excess of £500,000; and
g) approving steps to wind up a company.
a) approving the appointment or dismissal of Council Directors (including (where applicable) the Chair);
b) determining and approving all matters relating to terms and conditions of Council Directors that require Shareholder consent under the Articles and/or Shareholder Agreement of the company; and
c) determining and approving all matters relating to the entering of any contracts with Council Directors, other than as permitted under any service agreement the company may have with the Council.
a) the appointment, dismissal, the terms and conditions, and entering into contracts with Non-Council Directors; and
b) determining and approving all matters relating to the senior management of the company,
insofar as such matters require Shareholder consent under the Articles and/or Shareholder Agreement of the company.
a) approving changes to the location in which the company works;
b) approving alterations to company’s name or registered office;
c) matters relating to the employees or agents of the company other than its senior management team;
d) where required giving any further specific approval to a matter provided for within the approved business plan;
e) approving changes to accounting arrangements; and
f) entering, terminating or amending any agreements that create a potential liability for the company not exceeding £250,000.
ANNEX 1: Link Officers
company shall have a nominated CYC client officer (‘Link
Officer’) who will engage monthly (or more frequently as
required) with that company to ensure that Shareholder Committee is
provided with:
a) Updates in respect of company performance, market conditions and assurance
b) Details of strategic plans, funding and other requirements
c) Sufficient information to evaluate any new business proposals
2. The Link Officers will review reports from their nominated company before they are submitted to the Shareholder Committee, liaising with finance, legal or other colleagues as necessary maintain joint risk registers as required and ensure Shareholder Committee is provided with the level of detail and analysis required to fulfil its role.
3. Link Officers are required to:
a) Actively communicate and collaborate with the company and CYC officers as required, including the Director of Governance, Chief Finance Officer and Chief Operating Officer or their nominated representatives.
b) Build and maintain effective and transparent relationships with all parties.
c) Actively work to promote and improve good working relationships between the Council and its companies.
d) Take appropriate action to avoid conflicts of interest and, where a potential conflict is identified, to assist in managing any such conflict.
e) Ensure that the company has the appropriate level of support and challenge, including support to deliver agreed objectives and challenge to minimise or mitigate any risk to the Council. The appropriate balance of challenge and support will depend on the company objectives, the nature of the relationship with the company (i.e. whether wholly or partly owned), performance and risks or opportunities.
f) Manage and maintain effective relationships between shareholder representatives and the company.
g) Appropriately feedback any concerns of the Council to the company and vice versa.
h) Review board decisions and actions and identify any concerns in relation to directors potentially exceeding the remit of their powers.
i) Flag any issues and risks as quickly as possible.